Know a Vet?

a Vet? is an advocacy program, focusing on assisting veterans, and their
families, access and use the VA benefits they are entitled to receive. We
also will assist veterans not eligible for VA benefits, and their family
members, find and utilize community based assistance programs.

We currently are looking for volunteers in two areas. The first, to
assist with outreach. This will comprise of not only of preparing outreach
materials, but in distributing and maintaining racks of contact cards at
businesses through out the community.

We also need veterans to volunteer as advocates. An advocate needs to be
over 18. Being bi-lingual is a plus. He or she must be willing to make a
30 day commitment to the fellow vet they are assisting. An advocate will
also need to have computer access and basic computer skills.

The information above can be found on the official website of Know a Vet?. For more details about the organization and to find out how you can volunteer, please visit their website:

This entry was posted in Counseling, Therapy, and Emotional Support, Crisis Support, East Bay, Human Rights and Civil Liberties, Human Services, Mountain View, North Bay, Peer Counseling, Peninsula, Policy Advocacy, South Bay, Veterans and Military Families. Bookmark the permalink.