San Francisco Women Against Rape

Description of Organization and/or Volunteer Opportunities Available:
SFWAR is a women of color led, volunteer-based organization that has
provided rape crisis services to survivors of sexual assault for over 30
years. As the primary provider of rape crisis services in San Francisco,
we also offer support to friends and families of survivors and provide
expert advice, training, and assistance to healthcare workers, medical
professionals, educators, law enforcement officers and other professionals
throughout the city.
We have 3 CA Certified Rape Crisis Counselor Trainings a year.
Upon certification, volunteer opportunities are available for:
· Hotline
· Medical Accompaniment
· Peer Counseling
· Community Outreach

The information above can be found on the official website of San Francisco Women Against Rape. For more details about the organization and to find out how you can volunteer, please visit their website:

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