Enterprise for High School Students Career Exploration

Enterprise for High School Students (EHSS) is a non-profit agency founded
in 1969 to assist San Francisco high school students with school-to-work
transition. We provide a variety of services and programs that assist
youth to develop job skills, find employment opportunities, and explore
career interests. Career Exploration Program (CEP) is a summer internship
program for high school juniors and seniors in San Francisco. For seven
weeks, participating students explore a career field of their choice,
spending approximately 12 hours per week at a hosting internship site.
Through this program, students discover both the demands and the
opportunities of the professional workforce through experiential learning.

CEP is currently looking for volunteers interested in being Youth Advisors
this summer! Advisors support students in their summer internship program
by providing advice, facilitating group interactions at workshops,
reviewing students’ assignments, and acting as a liaison between the
internship site supervisor and CEP program manager.

Duties include:
• Advise up to three students during the summer program (seven-weeks in
length June and July). • Become familiar with students’ site
supervisors and internship placements by conducting at least one site
visit to their internship placement. • Read and provide feedback on all
weekly projects students submit • Help students to problem solve any
difficulties that may arise during the internship. • As appropriate, be
a resource to the students, including connecting them to other EHSS
programs and services. • Attend four Intern-centered Workshops

• Bachelor’s degree and two years of work experience
• Interest in working with young people.
• Supportive of youths’ activities, goals and expectations.
• Ability to facilitate student and site supervisor’s relationships.

Time Commitment:
• Advisors commit approximately 2 hours per week during the summer from
June to July.

As an advisor, you are expected to make the following commitments:
1. Attend CEP Orientation and two Intern Workshops
2. Attend an advisors-only meeting to discuss concerns about the
internship. 3. Conduct a site visit 4. Attend the Final Celebration to
review your interns’ final presentations (interns, their friends and
family, advisors, site supervisors, and EHSS staff attend the event).

The information above can be found on the official website of Enterprise for High School Students Career Exploration. For more details about the organization and to find out how you can volunteer, please visit their website: http://www.ehss.org

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